
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaini009
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硬结症是一种慢性、特殊性,肉芽肿性炎症,易侵犯呼吸道粘膜,多累及喉声门下区,形成慢性瘢痕性狭窄。如果病变向下蔓延,将引起气管狭窄。呼吸道狭窄一旦发生,只能用手术方法修复。作者们统计了埃及Kasr El-Aini医院耳鼻喉科1977~1978两年内2,410例门诊病人中,发现51例硬结症患者,发病率为2.1%,女多于男,为3:1。有家族史者3人。累及喉部者22例,占硬结症患者之43%,其中20例发生声门下狭窄患者年龄从10~48岁,女15,男5,均在1~4年前作过气管切开。这些患者经局部检查,确保无活动性炎症;全身检查,证明适合手术;再经喉部放射线检查(包括断层片,喉部造影片)以了解瘢痕形成的范围后,进行了手术治疗。手术步骤:氟烷全麻。行颈部正中纵切口,暴露喉和气管上部。去除瘢痕组织者14例,创面 Sclerosis is a chronic, specific, granulomatous inflammation, easy to infringe the respiratory mucosa, and more involving the lower laryngeal door area, the formation of chronic scar stenosis. If the lesion spreads down, it will cause tracheal stenosis. Respiratory stenosis in the event of surgery can only be used to repair. The authors calculated 51 out of a total of 2,410 outpatients in the otolaryngology department of Kasr El-Aini Hospital in Kaspar El-Aini from 1977 to 1978, with an incidence rate of 2.1%, more women than men, and a 3: 1 ratio. Family history of 3 people. Twenty-two cases were involved in the larynx, accounting for 43% of patients with scleroderma, 20 of whom underwent supraglottic stenosis, ranging in age from 10 to 48 years and 15 female and 5 male, all of whom had tracheotomy 1 to 4 years earlier. The patients underwent local examination to ensure that they had no active inflammation; a total body examination was performed to prove that they were suitable for surgery; and a throat radiography (including tomography and laryngectomy) was performed to understand the extent of scar formation and surgery was performed. Surgical procedures: halothane anesthesia. Longitudinal neck longitudinal incision, throat and trachea exposed. 14 cases of scar tissue removal, wounds
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