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国务院安全生产委员会办公室副主任、国家安全生产监督管理局副局长王德学经过深入调查研究,对招远经验给予了高度总结和评价。他认为,新一届招远市委、市政府下了最大的决心,化了最大的力气,敢于捅马蜂窝,敢于对久治不愈、越治越乱、越治越重的顽疾、毒瘤动大手术,对山东省乃至全国的安全生产整治工作都有指导意义。招远能做到的,其他地方也应该能做到,招远的经验,核心问题是当地政府领导的态度坚定。为此,王德学同志高度称赞了以刘为群书记、周波市长为首的招远市委、市政府领导班子敢碰硬的精神和勇气,一连用了四个“前所未有”,对招远经验加以肯定。认为招远金矿整顿工作在安全整治的力度、安全整治的深度、安全整治的广度、安全整治的效果四个方面,都是前所未有的。 在招远的大开头现场,面对眼前的情景,王德学同志笑了。这里是昔日非法民采者的据点,当时“繁荣昌盛”一时,对着炸毁的井口、卖淫嫖娼赌博吸毒者灯红酒绿而今在山风中满目萧条的原聚集地,王德学同志笑了,笑得那样开心:“好啊,大开头真是开了一个好头啊!” Wang Dexue, deputy director of the Office of the State Council’s Safety Production Committee and deputy director of the State Administration of Work Safety, conducted a thorough investigation and research and highly summarized and evaluated Zhaoyuan’s experience. He believes that the new Zhaoyuan Municipal Committee and the municipal government have made the greatest determination to maximize their strength, dare to break the honeycomb, and dare to treat chronic diseases that are unrecoverable, have become more and more chaotic, and have become more and more severe. The work of safety production and rectification in Shandong Province and even the whole country has guiding significance. Zhaoyuan can do it, and other places should also be able to do it. The core issue of Zhaoyuan’s experience is that local government leaders have a firm attitude. To this end, Comrade Wang Dexue highly praised the spirit and courage of the leadership team of the Zhaoyuan Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government headed by Liu Weiqun and mayor Zhou Bo. They used four “unprecedented” and affirmed the Zhaoyuan experience. It is believed that the Zhaoyuan Gold Mine’s rectification work is unprecedented in terms of the strength of safety remediation, the depth of safety remediation, the breadth of safety remediation, and the effect of safety remediation. At the opening scene of Zhaoyuan, facing the immediate scene, Comrade Wang Dexue smiled. This was the stronghold of illegal collectors. In the past, at the time of “prosperity”, Comrade Wang Dexue smiled and laughed at the destroyed wellhead, prostitution, gambling, drug addicts, and the original gathering grounds in the mountain breeze. Happy: “Well, the big opening is really a good start!”