
来源 :今古传奇(故事版月末版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwjms
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1.重操旧业布满荒草的道上,一台汽车缓缓穿行。汽车在颠簸之中停在河边。河对岸的山被称为黑鹰砬子,地势险峻,并不适合安居。不知从什么时候开始,有人发现山中有煤,于是出现了十几个煤窑,但根本不具备任何开采价值。为此,政府先后将这些私人煤窑关闭,但最大的一个煤窑,由于矿主和当地的官员有着千丝万缕的联系,却一直无法执行,直到三年前发生了一次透水事故。事故共导致八人遇难,震动省里。以此为契机,煤窑终于被彻底关停,当地政府为了表示决心,甚至将入山必经的小桥炸毁。 1. Back to the old industry covered with weeds, a car slowly through. The car stopped by the river in a bumpy way. The other side of the river is known as the Black Hawk Bangzi, steep terrain, is not suitable for housing. I do not know when to start, some people found that there is coal in the mountains, so there are a dozen coal mines, but do not have any mining value. To this end, the government has successively closed these private coal mines, but the largest coal miner, inextricably linked with local officials, has been unable to enforce it until a flooding three years ago. The accident resulted in a total of eight people were killed and shocked the province. Taking this as an opportunity, the coal kiln was finally shut down completely and the local government, in order to show its determination, even blew the bridge that had to pass through the mountain.
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遗产保护是我们国家社会发展中一项重要的事业。不论是自然遗产,还是文化遗产,不论是有形的物质遗产,还是无形的非物质遗产,都是自然界留存的硕果或 Heritage protection is
曾经读过一则报导:美国威斯康星大学一个叫奥德利·塞勒的大二女生在失踪四天后被警方找到,她说自己被绑架了。可经过调查,竟是一派胡 Once read a report: A sophomore gir
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