
来源 :中华医学教育杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxfree99999
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目的:通过对比医学院校和非医学院校健康服务与管理专业本科人才的培养过程,为进一步提高该专业人才培养质量提供建议。方法:本研究采用文本分析方法对15份健康服务与管理专业人才培养方案进行分析,同时,采用问卷调查方法对223名首届毕业生进行调查并分析。结果:在课程学时设置方面,非医学院校的专业基础课程学时占比21.8%(528/2 420)少于医学院校的32.7%(689/2 104),而其公共基础课程学时占比26.1%(631/2 420)和专业课程学时占比38.1%(923/2 421)多于医学院校的23.6%(497/2 104)和26.9%(567/2 104),两类院校课程学时设置差异具有统计学意义(n P0.05)。n 结论:两类院校专业培养目标相同,培养要求、就业方向和课程设置各有侧重。建议进一步完善学科建设、加强招生宣传和增加就业渠道。“,”Objective:To provide a basis and reference for further clarifying the development pathway and improving the quality of talent education by comparing the strengthens and weakness of training strategy for healthcare providers and management professionals in the medical and non-medical school.Methods:In this study, the text analysis method was used to analyze 15 health service and management professional training programs, and the questionnaire survey method was used to investigate and analyze 223 first graduates.Results:In terms of course hours setting, the professional basic course hours of non-medical colleges accounted for 21.8%(528/2 420) less than 32.7%(689/2 104) of medical colleges, while the public basic course hours accounted for 26.1%(631/2 420) and the professional course hours accounted for 38.1%(923/2 420)more than 23.6%(497/2 104) and 26. 9%(567/2 104) in medical colleges and universities. There was a significant difference between the two types of colleges and universities (n P0.05).n Conclusions:The two types of colleges have the same professional training objectives, with different emphasis on training requirements, employment direction and curriculum. According to the survey results, this study proposes to further improve the discipline construction system, strengthen enrollment publicity and increase employment channels.
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本文报道福建省桃、梨果蛀虫概况及梨小食心虫的初步研究和防治意见。 This article reports on the peach and pear fruit borers in Fujian Province and pest insects Pe
本例因接触溴氰菊酯而致肺炎。二次按触,二次均以肺炎为其突出表现,从患者两次发病及有关免疫学检查和治疗情况看,其发病机理可能与免疫变态反应有关。 In this case due to