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高校视觉形象是高校理念、精神和文化最直观、最具体的外化形式,优秀的视觉形象设计与实施能够正确传达高校精神层面的理念积淀和文化品位,将高校的内在精神与外在视觉表现完美的结合起来,最终目的就是塑造良好的高校形象,建立高校品牌。有的学者在CIS理论基础上提出UIS(高校识别系统),将高校视觉形象等同于高校视觉识别系统,笔者认为这些说法稍显片面,高校视觉形象所包涵的内容应更广泛、更丰富。无论是校区规划、建筑设计、校园绿化、人文景观建设,还是校名、校徽、名片等形象识别系统,或是礼品、会议展览、画册宣传设计等,一切以视觉媒体呈现出来的信息都是视觉形象的内容。无论投入精力建设与否,高校视觉形象都会客观存在,但只有从战略眼光给予重视 The visual image of colleges and universities is the most intuitive and concrete externalized form of college ideology, spirit and culture. The design and implementation of excellent visual images can correctly convey the concept accumulation and cultural taste of the university spirit level, and integrate the internal spirit and external visual performance The perfect combination of the ultimate goal is to create a good image of colleges and universities to establish college brand. Some scholars put forward UIS (University Identity System) based on the CIS theory, which equates the visual image of colleges and universities with the visual recognition system of colleges and universities. The author believes that these views are slightly underestimated, and the contents of college visual images should be more extensive and rich. Whether it is the campus planning, architectural design, campus greening, human landscape construction, or the school name, school badge, business cards and other image recognition system, or gifts, conventions and exhibitions, album design, etc., all presented in visual media information is visual Image of the content. Regardless of whether the effort is put into building or not, the visual image of colleges and universities will be objective, but only from the strategic perspective to give attention
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