The minimum interception problem between two nodes in an undirected planar network with capacity constraints is discussed. The traditional method is to convert the smallest interception problem in a network with capacity nodes and edges into a problem with only capacity side, However, this method can not maintain the flatness of the network when it is used in a planar network, so the planarity of the network can not be utilized. The calculation time using the traditional method is O (n2logn) (where n is the number of nodes in the network) By using the method of network flatness, the algorithm of O (n) time can be obtained by transforming the minimal cut-off problem into the source and sink coplanar st-planar networks, and then the general planar network , A new method is proposed to transform the problem of capacity of both nodes and edges into a solution with only capacity problems. This transformation method does not destroy the planarity of the network, so that the method of calculating the capacity of a planar network can be used , So that the original problem is solved in O (nlogn) time.