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如果非要用音乐来给人分类,那么不外乎三种。一种,他们的生活从不和艺术有任何关联,生活的琐事已经吸引了他们全部的目光;第二种,他们的生命中如果没有了音乐便味同嚼蜡、心神不宁,但不至于呼吸困难、茶饭不思;剩下的第三种,则是终生被艺术浸泡的那一类,如果剥夺了他们追求音乐、创造音乐的权力,则等于硬生生给他们的脖子上来一刀,无音乐,毋宁死。第一种人是大多数;第二种人不少见,却往往假惺惺;而第三种,则让我们仰望。庸俗如我辈,音乐永远只可能是点缀,而不是必需。我们往往隔岸观火,却永远无法亲身体会这类人身体里巨大的能量从何而来。毕竟,艺术家在任何时代永远只有那么几个。可是,我们却从来没有放弃过走近这些人的幻想,因为这些人曾经打破我们心底的沉默。 If you have to use music to give people classification, then nothing more than three. One is that their life has never been related to art, and the trifles of life have drawn their full attention. The second is that their lives without the help of music will be as sweet as they are without the music, but they will not breathe, The third remaining is the kind of lifelong art-soaked, if deprived of their pursuit of music, the power to create music is equal to abruptly give them a knife up the neck, no music, or rather die . The first person is the majority; the second person is not uncommon, but often hypocritical; and the third, let us look up. As vulgar as my generation, music may only be embellishment, not essential. We tend to watch the fire from across the bank, but we can never know for sure where the great energy in such people comes from. After all, there are only a few artists in any age. However, we have never given up the fantasy of approaching these people because these people once broke the silence of our hearts.
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随着改革的深入进行,个体、私营经济迅速崛起,夜市作为市场经济的一种组成和表现形式,在许多城市的繁华地带形成较大规模。夜市的消防安全显得越来越重要。 一、夜市的火灾危险
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[Objective]The paper was compare the control effects of different doses of MCPA-Na on weeds in foxtail millet field.[Method]Different doses of MCPA-Na were spra