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义务教育初中物理课本(华东版)的一个重要特点是教学内容与生产、生活实际紧密联系。让学生所学的物理知识与实际应用相结合,既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养理论联系实际的学风,又能培养学生的动手能力,使学生学习到一些有用的物理知识。为了使教学内容与实际相结合。在教学中必需举出一些实例。原则上,这些实例既要服从教学内容的需要,又最好是初中生在日常生活中能够接触到的。这样才便于学生在学习了有关的物理知识之后,有机会对实物进行观察或实验,使所学的知识与实际有机地结合起来。选择实例时还必需注意一个问题:这些例子最好是“真实”,而不是“假想”的或是人为“设计”的,否则当生性好动的初中生动手解剖实物时,或者有机会接触到实物时,所学的知识就会与实际脱节。 An important feature of the junior middle school physics textbook for compulsory education (East China Version) is that the teaching content is closely linked with production and actual life. Combining the physics knowledge students learn with practical application can stimulate students’ interest in learning, cultivate the theory-based learning style, and cultivate students’ hands-on abilities so that students can learn some useful physical knowledge. In order to combine teaching content with reality. Some examples must be given in teaching. In principle, these examples should not only meet the needs of the teaching content, but also better be accessible to junior high school students in daily life. In this way, it is easy for the students to observe or experiment with the physical objects after they have learned the relevant physical knowledge so that the learned knowledge can be organically combined with reality. When choosing an instance, you must also pay attention to a problem: these examples are best “real”, not “imaginary” or artificial “design”, otherwise when the livelihood of junior high school vivid hand to dissect real objects, or have access to In real life, the knowledge learned will be out of touch with reality.
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目的 探讨慢性移植肾肾病大鼠模型肾组织中单核细胞趋化因子-1(MCP-1)和RANTES的表达及意义.方法以F344大鼠为供者、Lewis大鼠为受者建立慢性移植肾肾病(CAN)大鼠模型,以切除单侧肾脏的F344大鼠和Lewis大鼠为对照.术后12周,测定各组大鼠的肾功能以及肾组织中MCP-1和RANTES的表达,并观察同期肾组织学改变.结果与单纯切肾的F344大鼠比较,CAN大鼠的血清肌酐水平明显
物理命题是教学实践中的一项重要工作,为了更好地发挥物理题的功能,笔者认为命题者应当遵循以下几条原则。 The physics proposition is an important task in teaching pr