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在文学作品鉴赏中,把握作品中人物心理特征,是全面分析和了解人物个性、形象的关键。为能够深刻感知文学作品人物形象塑造及作品主题等,则可以从文学作品人物心理特征角度入手,由点及面深入学习和品味作品内涵及中心思想。文章选取高中文学作品《窦娥冤》中窦娥这一人物作为分析案例,深入剖析其内在心理特征以及人物形象特点,以锻炼和提升对文学作品的鉴赏能力。 In the appreciation of literary works, grasping the psychological characteristics of the characters in the works is the key to comprehensively analyzing and understanding the personality and the image of the characters. In order to be able to deeply perceive the creation of literary figures and the themes of works, we can start from the perspective of psychological characteristics of literary characters, and study and taste the connotation and the central idea of ​​the works in depth. This article chooses Dou E as a case study in the high school literature “Dou’e injustice”, deeply analyzes its intrinsic psychological characteristics and the characteristics of characters, in order to exercise and enhance the appreciation ability of literary works.
非常任务B&Q 百安居,来自英国的装饰建材专家。自1999年登陆中国以来,(上海)沪太店,徐汇店,杨浦店以及苏州工业园区店相继开幕,带来全新装潢理念和一条龙装修服务,为中国家
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