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省府批示: 省府同意商業廳關於‘江西省國營商業推行經濟核算制的初步總結和今後意見’中,所提出的在推行經濟核算制中所存在的問題以及今後的幾點意見。該報告中,反映了國營商業部門在執行經濟核算制中存在的問題。和商業部門幹部思想上存在着的一些嚴重問題,值得各地重視。現將該總結在政報發表,以供各地參攷。關於在商業部門推行經濟核算制的問題,對改進國營商業的工作,是一個具有頭等重要意義的問題。但是,經濟核算制的建立和健全。絕不是孤立的單純的作為一個業務技術問題可以和其他條件脫節而單獨求得完全解决的,這裹必須進行一系列的工作。首先必须和加強商業部門的政治思想領導緊密結合起來。假如說,我們的國營商業部門的工作人員中,從經理一直到一般的人員,如果他們還不了解國營商業的社會主義性質和目前在國家經濟建設的作用;如果他們對在商業部門中實行嚴格的節約和愛護國家财產,還沒有提高到政治責任感的高度;如果他們還不了解加速資金週轉擴大商品流通與國家積累資金,加強經濟建設計劃化的作用;如果他們還缺乏高度的羣衆觀念,在他們思想意識中還存在着如總結中所指出的各種錯誤思想和不正確的作風;那末,徤全的經濟核算制的推行,就會碰到嚴重的困難和阻礙,甚至會把實行經濟核算制與為人民服務對立起來。這點是我們各級國營商業部門的領導上必须明確起來的;同時,也是各級人民政府對所屬商業部門的領導上,所應特別抓緊的。六月三日 The provincial government commended the provincial government for agreeing with the commercial department’s “Preliminary Summary and Future Opinions on the Implementation of the Economic Accounting System in State-owned Commercial Banks in Jiangxi Province” and the existing problems in the implementation of the economic accounting system as well as some suggestions for the future. The report reflects the problems existing in the implementation of economic accounting by state-owned commercial departments. And some serious problems existing in the ideology of the cadres in the commercial sector deserve great attention. The summary is now published in the political press for reference. As for the issue of introducing economic accounting in the commercial sector, it is a matter of paramount importance to improve the work of state-owned commerce. However, the establishment and improvement of economic accounting system. It is absolutely not an isolated case that a business problem can be completely solved independently of the other conditions. This package must carry out a series of tasks. First, it must be closely linked with strengthening the leadership of the political thinking in the commercial sector. If we say that the workers in our state-run commercial departments, from the manager to the general staff, do not understand the nature of state-run commercialism and the current role of the state in economic construction if they do not yet understand the role of strict implementation in the commercial sector If they still do not understand the role of accelerating the flow of funds, expanding the circulation of commodities, accumulating funds by the state and strengthening the planning of economic construction, and if they still lack a high degree of mass perception , There are still misconceptions and incorrect styles in their ideology as pointed out in the conclusion. Therefore, the implementation of a complete system of economic accounting will encounter grave difficulties and obstacles, and will even lead the implementation of the economy The accounting system stands in opposition to serving the people. This must be made clear on the leadership of the state-run commercial departments at various levels. At the same time, it is also a matter for the people’s governments at all levels to pay special attention to the leadership of their respective commercial departments. June 3
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春天就要过去了,炎热的夏季就要到了,这正是出行的好时节,你还要等待什么?等待在炎炎的烈日下去暴晒吗? 别说你忙、你没时间,只要区区两天,你就可以感受万鸟绝唱、日出紫云、
黔南山地位于贵州省南部、关岭、望谟一线以东 ,月亮山以西 ,南至红水河北岸 ,为苗岭的南斜坡地带。面积约 2 .3万Km2 ,是贵州喀斯特发育最复杂的山原。由于基岩裸露面积大 ,受