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上午刚考完单元测试,中午学生们就迫不及待地到办公室来打听自己的成绩了。而我的注意力却集中在小Y的试卷上,这张试卷干净、整齐;字迹工整;满篇除了一个计算小错外其余全对!太遗憾了!看着小Y的这张近乎完美的试卷,我的脑海里又浮现出上午考场上的情景……今天小Y一改往常考试时东张西望、爱走神的毛病,从发卷到收卷都特别专注,连一次头都没抬。特别是考试中间她鼻子还留了血,她也没有表示出一点儿的娇气,而是迅速地进行处理后,立刻投入了紧张的考试。在以前测试中我也曾经破例给过有突出进步的学生满分,这些学生在之后的学习中也进发出了强劲的学习动力,几乎都能拿到真正的满分!这一次直觉 Unit tests have just finished the morning, noon students can not wait to go to the office to inquire about their achievements. And my attention is focused on the small Y’s test paper, this test paper is clean, tidy; writing neat; full article in addition to a small calculation of the rest all right! Too bad! Looked at this little Y’s almost perfect Papers, my mind again emerge out of the morning examination of the scene ... ... Today Xiaoye usual exams when looking around, the problem of love to go God, from the curls to the curls are particularly focused, even without lifting the head. Especially in the middle of the exam, she still had blood on her nose, and she did not show a little delicate, but rather quickly put her nerves into an intense examination. In the past, I also gave an exception to the outstanding progress of outstanding students, these students in the subsequent study also launched a strong motivation to learn, almost all can get the real score! This instinct
读古人编撰的笑话,往往会叫人忍俊不禁。不过,笑过之后当细细品出些味儿来,有时倒也确能让人感慨一番。 例如就曾读到这样一则故事:北宋名人苏东坡在歧山时,听说河阳县的猪肉
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邮购业务是邮电分营后依托自身网络优势 ,开发出的一项新业务 ,形成了新的经济增长点。国家邮政局也将其列为2000年邮政企业的一个重要业务增长点 ,给予了高度重视。为使邮购业务
在SPECT的硬件和软件研制中,MontCarlo模拟是重要的手段,我们正在研制高性能低价格的SPECT,本文介绍这个领域的研究工作。 In the SPECT hardware and software development, MontCarlo simulation