和谐发展 追求卓越——记铜仁一中

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铜仁一中始建于1938年,初名为“国立三中”,有悠久的办学历史。1963年以来,一直被列为贵州省省属重点中学。1998年,被国家教育部命名为“全国现代教育技术实验学校”。1999年,首家通过贵州省人民政府、省教育厅办学水平督导评估并获优秀等第。2001年,成为全省首批示范性高中。 学校占地面积70000多平方米,建筑面积50000多平方米。现有教学班级42个,学生2500多人。现任校长蒋小俊同志系全国高中骨干校长、中学化学特级教师。学校是一座历史悠久、声名远播的园林式的大型现代化高级中学。 学校现有教职工161人,其中特级、高级教师62人,具有研究生学历的教师5人,国家级骨干教师5人,省级骨干教师13人,地级学科带头教师8人。建校以来为高一级学校输送了数以万计的优秀人才。近几年高考录取率一直保持在98%以上,获得了省内人民群众广泛、高度的赞誉。同时,学校建有“代教育技术实验中心大楼”、“综合教学大楼”、“彭心潮图书馆”等标志性建筑。 铜仁一中是一个有着优良传统的学校,其中一个优良传统就是教师的继续学习和终身学习。一流的人才源于一流的学校、一流的教育。一切教育努力最终赖以成功的是教师的专业知识、教育理论教学技能、个性品质 Tongren Yizhong was founded in 1938 and was initially called the “National Three Middle Schools.” It has a long history of running schools. Since 1963, it has been listed as a key middle school in Guizhou province. In 1998, it was named “National Modern Educational Technology Experimental School” by the National Ministry of Education. In 1999, it was the first person to pass the supervision and evaluation of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Government and the provincial education department, and was awarded an excellent ranking. In 2001, it became the first demonstration high school in the province. School covers an area of ​​more than 70,000 square meters, construction area of ​​more than 50,000 square meters. There are 42 teaching classes and more than 2,500 students. The current president, Comrade Jiang Xiaojun, is the backbone of the country’s high school principals, high school chemistry teachers. The school is a large modern high school with a long history and fame. The school has 161 faculty and staff members, including 62 special grade and senior teachers, 5 teachers with postgraduate qualifications, 5 national key teachers, 13 provincial key teachers, and 8 provincial-level academic leaders. Since the establishment of the university, tens of thousands of outstanding talents have been delivered to high-level schools. In recent years, the admission rate for the college entrance examination has been maintained at more than 98%, and it has won extensive praise from the people in the province. At the same time, the school has built landmark buildings such as “Education and Technology Experimental Center Building”, “Comprehensive Teaching Building” and “Peng Xinchao Library”. Tong Ren Yizhong is a school with a fine tradition. One of its fine traditions is the teacher’s continuous learning and lifelong learning. First-rate talent comes from first-rate schools and first-rate education. The ultimate success of all educational efforts is the teacher’s professional knowledge, educational theory teaching skills, and personality quality.
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