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潮州市世田水电站第一期发电机厂房建于70年代初,原厂房采用钢筋混凝土屋架,跨度为8m,净高共有6m,没有设吊车梁。厂房内装有3台800kW水轮发电机组,由于空间窄小,显得拥挤不堪,操作维修十分不便,通风效果极差,根本不能满足使用要求。1985年经上级批准,决定拆除重建,扩大增高。原施工方案按传统做法,先拆除旧厂房,后再建新厂房,预计需停机半年。而潮州是一个严重缺电的城市,停电将给工农业生产带来很大困难。笔者经过研究讨论,提出了在保证机组正常运转条件下扩建并拆除旧厂房的方案,工程已于1986年完工,工程自始至终地顺利进行,取得了明显的经济效益。 The first phase of the generator plant at the Shitian Hydropower Station in Chaozhou City was built in the early 1970s. The original plant was a reinforced concrete truss with a span of 8m and a net height of 6m. There was no crane beam. Three 800kW hydroelectric generator sets are installed in the factory building. Due to the narrow space, they are overcrowded, the operation and maintenance are very inconvenient, and the ventilation effect is extremely poor. It can not meet the use requirements. In 1985, with the approval of the higher authorities, it was decided to dismantle and rebuild and expand. According to the traditional practice, the original construction plan was to dismantle the old factory building and then build a new factory building. Chaozhou is a city that lacks electricity. Power cuts will bring great difficulties to industrial and agricultural production. After the research and discussion, the author proposed a plan to expand and dismantle the old factory under the conditions that ensure the normal operation of the unit. The project was completed in 1986. The project went smoothly from beginning to end and achieved significant economic benefits.
This article investigates the extent to which Jordanian service organizations seek to establish continuity culture through testing, training, and updating of th