
来源 :湖南烟草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kiddmanwy
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伴随着共和国的成长,湖南烟草工业经历了从小到大,从弱到强的深刻变化,一代又一代湖南烟草工业人为之付出了辛勤的劳动和无数的心血,涌现出了一大批省部级及以上劳动模范和先进人物。为了弘扬他们爱岗敬业、争创一流、艰苦奋斗、勇于创新的劳模精神,培育劳动光荣、知识崇高、人才宝贵、创造伟大的时代新风,营造尊重知识、尊重劳动、尊重人才、尊重创造的舆论氛围,以劳模精神鼓舞公司广大职工积极投身湖南烟草工业的改革发展中,激发公司广大职工的工作热情,9月25日,湖南中烟对历年来获得省部级及以上劳动模范荣誉的40名员工和公司合并重组以来的15名模范员工代表进行了表彰。现把受表彰的公司合并重组以来的15名模范员工代表的先进事迹介绍如下。 With the growth of the Republic, the tobacco industry in Hunan experienced profound changes from small to big and from weak to strong. After generations of Hunan tobacco industry people, they have devoted hard work and countless efforts to the development of a large number of provincial and ministerial level The above model workers and advanced people. In order to carry forward their dedication and dedication to work hard, work hard and innovate spirit of model workers, nurture labor glorious, noble knowledge, valuable talents, and create a great new era of the wind, to create respect for knowledge, respect for work, respect for talent, respect for creating public opinion Atmosphere, inspired by the spirit of model workers Employees of the company actively involved in the reform and development of tobacco industry in Hunan Province, to stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of workers, September 25, Hunan Tobacco over the years to obtain provincial and ministerial level and above model honor 40 Employees and the company since the merger and reorganization of the 15 model employee representatives were commended. The advanced deeds of the 15 model employee representatives since the merger and reorganization of the commended companies are as follows.
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