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中国自古就有:“一字千金”之说。说的是吕不韦使门客著《吕氏春秋》,书成之后,公布于咸阳市。若有人能增减一字,给予千金。然而,时过境迁,沧海桑田。如今要问千字值多少钱?倘若问的是稿酬标准,国家自有规定:著作稿每千字为20—30元;翻译稿酬每千字为8~24元,这还是1990年后新的稿酬标准。倘若问的是期刊定价,即可告诉你,千字只值2分钱。不信请看:以1993年为准,《世界科学》定价2.40元,字数为12万字,平均千字为2分;《科学》定价为2.60元,平均每千字为2分2厘;《自然杂志》定价为2.25,平均每千字为1分8厘。这三种自然科学期刊,在科技和教育界都是有一定知名度,然 Since ancient times, China has said: “The word”. Said Lu Buwei makes the door with “Lu’s Spring and Autumn”, book into, announced in Xianyang City. If someone can increase or decrease a word, give money. However, the passage of time, the sea. Now ask how much the value of a thousand words? If you ask the royalties standards, the state’s own regulations: the draft for a thousand words for the 20-30 yuan; translation of remuneration for every thousand words for 8 to 24 yuan, this is 1990 after the new Remuneration standard. If you ask the journal pricing, you can tell you that the word only worth two cents. Believe it or not: According to 1993, “World Science” is priced at $ 2.40 with a word count of 120,000 words and an average of 1,000 words. Science is priced at $ 2.60 with an average of 2 points and 2 cent per thousand words. Nature Magazine "is priced at 2.25, an average of one point per thousand words 8%. All three natural science journals have a certain reputation in science, technology and education
本文研究了石英砂和石灰石两种混合磨料对100Cr6H 钢磨损性能的影响,通过电子显微镜和表面激光分析仪。研究了被磨损表面的主要磨损机理。指出了 HV/f_(ab)值作为描述材料耐
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阐述了信息部对称的危害,并介绍新会计准则对会计信息不对称问题的缓解作用。 Described the harm of the symmetry of the Ministry of Information, and introduced the n
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恶性腹腔积液是晚期癌症患者常见的并发症之一 ,积极有效的消除腹腔积液可以减轻患者痛苦 ,提高生存质量 ,也是肿瘤姑息治疗的重要手段之一。我们应用沙培林联合顺铂治疗晚期