这些广电媒体的两会报道值得点赞 融媒体+中央厨房,气象一新

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今年两会报道,广播电视媒体与新兴媒体优势互补、此长彼长,两会新闻宣传工作气象一新,为今后实现媒体深入融合传播做出了积极有益的尝试。今年全国两会开幕以来,中央和地方广播电视媒体全面聚焦两会报道,充分发挥采编优势,制作播出主题鲜明、内容丰富、形式多样、体量庞大的专题节目,形成了良好的宣传氛围。在沿袭往年优秀做法的基础上,多地广播电视媒体纷纷启动融媒 Two sessions this year reported that radio and television media and emerging media have the advantages of each other. The long history and the news propaganda work of the two sessions have taken a fresh look and have made positive and beneficial attempts to realize the media’s in-depth integration and dissemination. Since the opening of the NPC and CPPCC sessions this year, the media at the central and local levels have focused on the coverage of the two sessions comprehensively, giving full play to the advantages of editing and editing, and have produced good thematic publicity programs with distinctive themes, rich content, diverse forms and large quantities of mass media. On the basis of following the excellent practices of previous years, the multi-terrestrial television and television media have started to melt media
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