树清廉风气 做自律表率——郭峰同志的“六不”公开信和赵德尊同志的建议信

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辽宁省委原书记郭峰同志在患病住院期间,主动谢绝亲朋好友和领导干部探望,并明确提出不送不收慰问金、不送不收保健品等“六不”要求。他的一位老战友、黑龙江省人大常委会原主任赵德尊同志为郭峰同志这种严于律己、清正廉洁的言行所感动,针对当前党员领导干部队伍中存在的一些不良风气和消极腐败现象,专门给黑龙江省委写信,提出了在党内弘扬严于律己、清正廉洁好风气的建议。郭峰、赵德尊同志是土地革命战争时期参加革命的老同志,出生入死,鞠躬尽瘁,为中国革命和建设作出过很大贡献,虽离开领导岗位多年,年事已高,仍严格要求自己,十分关心党的事业,对党和人民充满了深厚的感情。他们始终坚持和发扬共产党人以身作则、严于律己的优良作风,一身正气、清正廉洁的高尚情操,坚持党性原则、永葆共产党员先进本色的优秀品质,对党忠诚、对党的事业高度负责的革命情怀,是广大党员干部特别是领导干部学习的榜样。当前,全党上下正在学习贯彻党的十六届四中全会精神,大力加强党的执政能力建设。必须充分肯定,我们的党员干部队伍的主流是好的,但是也要清醒地看到,少数党员领导干部在廉洁从政方面仍存在一些突出问题。有的借搬家、过生日、生病住院、工作调动、子女升学、婚丧嫁娶、出国考察、逢年过节之机收钱送钱、? During the period of illness and hospitalization, Comrade Guo Feng, former secretary of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee, volunteered to visit relatives, friends and leading cadres proactively and clearly proposed that “six non-demands” should be given without payment of condolences and without payment of health care products. One of his old comrades, Comrade Zhao Dezun, former director of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, was moved by such strictly self-denying and honest behaviors as Comrade Guo Feng. In response to some unhealthy tendencies and negative corrupt practices existing in the ranks of leading cadres of party members, He wrote a letter to the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and put forward the proposal of promoting a culture of strict discipline and honesty and integrity in the party. Comrade Guo Feng and Zhao Dezun, the old comrades who took part in the revolution during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, died in life and did their utmost to make great contributions to the Chinese revolution and construction. Although they have left their leadership positions for many years and have been promoted to advanced age, they are still demanding themselves and are very concerned about the party’s Career, the party and the people is full of deep feelings. They always uphold and carry forward the example of Communists who lead by example, are strict with the good style of self-discipline, have a noble, honest and clean noble sentiment, uphold the principle of party spirit, and maintain the excellent quality of the party members’ inherent qualities, and are fully responsible to the party’s loyalty and to the party’s cause Revolutionary feelings are examples of the majority of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres. At present, the entire party is studying and implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and vigorously strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern. We must fully affirm that the mainstream of our ranks of party members and cadres is good, but we must also be soberly aware that there still exist some prominent problems concerning the integrity and political leadership of the minority party leading cadres. Some borrow moving house, birthday, sick hospital, work transfer, children go to school, marriage and funeral, overseas study, festivals and holidays to collect money to send money,?
安全是什么  安全是我们生命的伴侣  安全是我们安身立命之本  安全是我们实现自身价值的先决条件  安全是我们工作顺利完成的法宝
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