Brief Introduction of Huabei Petroleum Administration Bureau

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeibao123
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Huabei Petroleum Administration Bureau is located in Renqiu City, Hebei Province. With the Beijing-Kowloon railway and the 106 State Highway running by the city and close to Beijing and Tianjin, Huabei Petroleum Administration Bureau enjoys a favorable geographic condition and good economic and cultural advantages.Huabei Petroleum Administration is a giant state-owned enterprise under CNPC, which is an integration of engineering and technical services, production service, real estate management, social service and diversification business. It has 57 subsidiaries specialized in various businesses with a 54000-member workforce and the fixed assets valued at 2.89 billion yuan. Huabei Petroleum Administration Bureau is located in Renqiu City, Hebei Province. With the Beijing-Kowloon railway and the 106 State Highway running by the city and close to Beijing and Tianjin, Huabei Petroleum Administration Bureau enjoys a favorable geographic condition and good economic and cultural advantages .Huabei Petroleum Administration is a giant state-owned enterprise under CNPC, which is an integration of engineering and technical services, production service, real estate management, social service and diversification business. It has 57 Suppliers specialized in various businesses with a 54000-member workforce and the fixed assets valued at 2.89 billion yuan.
Objective: To observe the effects of Huannao Yicong Formula(还脑益聪方, HYF) on learning and memory and it’s regulating effect on γ-secretase related anterior
昨天早上,妈妈送我上补习班,由于时间比较紧,我们就在门口随便买了两个馒头当早饭,然后就匆匆上路了。  在路上,妈妈一边吃着馒头一边抱怨:“外面买的馒头又干又难吃,咬开像蜂窝一样,一点儿都不筋道……”  “下次我們自己做馒头,肯定做得比外面的好吃,好不好?”妈妈问道。  “唔唔,随便。”我费力地将最后一口馒头咽了下去。  今天下午,妈妈下班回家时手上多了一个小袋子。我以为是零食,抢过来一看,才发现是