
来源 :中国林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingyongguo
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哈密林场位于天山山脉最东端,是新疆维吾尔族自治区天山东部国有林管理局直属的国有山区林场。经营范围东西长210公里,南北宽120公里,经营总面积3140,850亩,林业用地面积832,101亩,2009年底活立木总蓄积量为741万立方米。保护好哈密林区宝贵的森林资源,对于维护新疆生态环境,促进经济社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。为了提高林区管护人员素质,哈密林场对林区管护所长、站长、管护人员实行竞聘上岗。 Hami Forest Farm is located in the most eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is the state-owned forest management in eastern Tiandong state-owned mountain forest farms. The business scope is 210km long from east to west and 120km from north to south. The total area of ​​operation is 3140,850mu and the area of ​​forestry land is 832,101mu. At the end of 2009, the total volume of live standing wood is 7.41 million cubic meters. Protecting the precious forest resources in the Hamulin area is of great significance for maintaining the ecological environment in Xinjiang and promoting the sustainable development of economy and society. In order to improve the quality of management and maintenance personnel in forest areas, the forest management director, chief supervisor and management and maintenance personnel in the forest area of ​​Hulin Forest Farm are bidding for posts.
A spin-injection/-detection device has been fabricated based on the multiple quantum well light emitting diode (LED) structure. It is found that only a broad el
Background Coronary microembolization(CME) is characterized by distal microvascular occlusion. However, the inflammatory mechanisms and therapeutic targets of C
日前,记者从全省林业重点工程推进暨工程建设领域突出问题专项治理工作座谈会上了解到,国有林区棚户区改造项目让陕西林区职工有了舒适的家,目前已经有1167户林区职 Recentl
东北航空护林中心是国家林业局直属正厅级事业单位,负责中国北方航空护林、森林防火协调、森林防火物资储备和卫星林火监测任务。每年租用各类航空器130余架 Northeast Avia