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小学英语教学不仅要求学生记忆知识点,更重要的是通过创设情境培养学生的英语思维能力。情景对应,创设英语思维氛围。教师在课堂上要注重情景对应,尽量用英语授课。同时要充分发挥学生的主体作用,结合教材内容创设生动、有趣的情境巩固知识点。如教学冀教版小学英语三年级下册Lesson 9 How many?时,一上课我先利用多媒体出示图片问学生:How many monkeys are there?学生用汉语数1、2、3……10后,我及时引领他们用英语读一遍,组织分角色表演课本中的Chant,真正做到“寓教于乐”。这样既符合小学生学习语言的特点,又锻炼了 Primary English teaching not only requires students to remember knowledge points, but more importantly, by cultivating situations to cultivate students’ English thinking ability. Corresponds to the situation, the creation of English thinking atmosphere. Teachers should pay attention to the situation in the classroom correspondence, try to teach in English. At the same time to give full play to the main role of students, combined with the textbook content to create a vivid, interesting situation to consolidate knowledge points. If the teaching Ji Piao Primary English third grade Volume Lesson 9 How many ?, a class I use multimedia to produce a picture to ask students: How many monkeys are there? Timely lead them to read it again in English, organized Chant performance textbooks, truly “edutainment ”. This is in line with the characteristics of primary school language learning, but also exercise