
来源 :国家外汇管理局文告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:learn_vb
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一、外债定义根据1987年8月27日国家外汇管理局公布的《外债统计监测暂行规定》和2001年中国外债口径调整有关内容,中国的外债是指中国境内的机关、团体、企业、事业单位、金融机构(包括境内外资、合资金融机构)或者其它机构对中国境外的国际金融组织、外国政府、金融机构、企业或者其它机构承担的以外币表示的全部债务。二、债务类型按照债务类型对中国的外债进行分类,具体分为如下11种类型:1、外国政府贷款。指外国政府向中国官方提供的官方信贷。2、国际金融组织贷款。指国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行(集团)、亚洲开发银行、联 I. Definition of Foreign Debts Pursuant to the Interim Provisions on the Monitoring and Statistics of Foreign Debt published by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on August 27, 1987 and the adjustment of China’s foreign debt in 2001, the foreign debt of China refers to the organs, groups, enterprises and institutions in China , All debts denominated in foreign currency borne by financial institutions (including domestic and foreign funded, joint venture financial institutions) or other institutions to international financial organizations, foreign governments, financial institutions, enterprises or other institutions outside China. Second, the type of debt According to the type of debt to China’s foreign debt classification, specifically divided into the following 11 types: 1, foreign government loans. The official credit provided by the foreign government to the Chinese government. 2, international financial organizations loans. Refers to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (Group), the Asian Development Bank, the United
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