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已进入总体配套改革阶段的我国经济体制改革,为避免因再摸错石头而误入歧途,迫切需要有明确的改革思路进行指导。经过十年改革理论和实践的探索,我们明确了我国社会主义经济是建立在公有制基础上的有计划商品经济,改革的核心问题是逐步建立计划经济与市场调节相结合的经济运行机制。但这一新体制的具体化还没有现成的理论、现成的模式可以照搬。现在我们所能做的是根据已经明确的改革方向,结合我国的基本国情,确定我国宏观经济体制改革目标模式的一些基本要点,包括宏观经济管理的目标、调控方式、组织体系等。我国宏观经济管理总的任务和目标是:保持社会总需求与总供给的基本平衡,实现国民经济持续、稳定、协调地发展。具体目标有如下6个:(1)经济适度增长,(2)总量平衡与物价稳定,(3)结构协调,(4)国际收支平衡,(5)公平分配,(6)充分就业。 The reform of China’s economic structure, which has entered the stage of overall supporting reform, is in urgent need of guiding the reform of the economy in order to avoid going astray because of revisiting the wrong stone. After 10 years of reforming theory and practice, we have made clear that our socialist economy is a planned commodity economy based on public ownership. The core issue of the reform is to gradually establish a mechanism for economic operation that combines planned economy with market regulation. However, there is no ready-made theory about the concreteness of this new system. The ready-made model can be copied. What we can do now is to determine some basic essentials of the target mode of our country’s macroeconomic structural reform based on the already clear direction of reform and the basic national conditions of our country, including the objectives, modes of regulation and control and the organizational system of macroeconomic management. The overall tasks and objectives of China’s macroeconomic management are to maintain the basic balance between the total social demand and the total supply and achieve sustained, stable and coordinated development of the national economy. Specific objectives are as follows: (1) moderate economic growth, (2) total balance and price stability, (3) structural coordination, (4) balance of payments, (5) fair distribution, and (6) full employment.
沙枣吐伦蛎(Lepidosaphes turanica Arch)属同翅目、盾蚧科。近年来在本地区普遍发生,已成为沙枣树(Elaeagnus angustigolia L)的主要害虫之一,它以若虫和雌成虫附着于树干
黄刺蛾Cnidocampa flavescens Walker在我国南、北方均有分布,为害多种木本植物。多年来,四平市杨树人工林受害面积达几十万亩,虫口密度有的高达550—670头/株,造成严重为害