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国有商业银行的不良贷款率和大型企业的负债率居高不下,给社会经济运行带来了巨大压力,随着国家供给侧改革政策的运行,对企业债务重组的重要方式之一即债转股的研究和创新就十分有必要进行分析。本文对中国债转股的背景;对象;流程;类型以及理论依据进行了简单的分析,然后再通过对湖北大峪口和东北特钢两大企业进行案例分析.债转股的实行有利于挽救一些由于债务结构问题出现亏损担任具有长期盈利能力的企业,但我国在债转股的实行过程中依然存在的问题。所以我们再对日本和美国处理不良资产的方式进行了分析。吸取国外优秀经验,得出处理不良资产的问题不宜拖延,处理不良资产要设置专门机构以及不良资产证券化等等几个观点。最后,根据对中国现象的案例分析以及国外的经验,为我国债转股后续的发展以及问题的解决提出了几点建议:(1)四大国有金融企业全盘接受。(2)乘机淘汰不良公司,落实供给侧改革。(3)认真筛选实行债转股的对象。 The non-performing loan ratio of state-owned commercial banks and the high debt ratio of large-scale enterprises have brought tremendous pressure on the operation of social economy. Along with the operation of national supply-side reform policies, one of the important ways of corporate debt restructuring is debt-to- Research and innovation is very necessary for analysis. This article makes a simple analysis of the background, objects, processes, types and theoretical basis of China’s debt-to-equity swap, and then carries on the case analysis through two cases of Dayukou and Dongbei Special Steel in Hubei Province. Some losses due to the debt structure as long-term profitability of the enterprise, but our country in the implementation of debt-for-equity issues still exist. Therefore, we analyze the ways in which Japan and the United States deal with nonperforming assets. Absorbing the outstanding experience of foreign countries, come to the treatment of non-performing assets should not be delayed, to deal with non-performing assets to set up specialized agencies and non-performing assets securitization and so on several points of view. Finally, based on the case analysis of the Chinese phenomenon and the experience of other countries, some suggestions are put forward for the follow-up development of the debt-to-equity swap in our country and the solution to the problems: (1) The four big state-owned financial enterprises have accepted the overall situation. (2) take the opportunity to eliminate bad companies, the implementation of supply-side reform. (3) Serious screening of the object of debt-equity swap.
尊敬的罗富和副主席,各位领导、各位来宾,同志们、朋友们: rn今天,国土资源部举行聘任仪式,聘请吴泰然等30位民主党派、全国工商联和无党派人士为第三届国家特邀国土资源监察