High-intensity laser-driven secondary radiation sources using the ZEUS 45 TW laser system at the Ins

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The rapid development of high-intensity laser-generated particle and photon secondary sources has attracted widespread interest during the last 20 years not only due to fundamental science research but also because of the important applications of this developing technology. For instance, the generation of relativistic particle beams, betatron-type coherent X-ray radiation and high harmonic generation have attracted interest from various fields of science and technology owing to their diverse applications in biomedical, material science, energy, space, and security applications. In the field of biomedical applications in particular, laser-driven particle beams as well as laser-driven X-ray sources are a promising field of study. This article looks at the research being performed at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers (IPPL) of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Centre. The recent installation of the ZEUS 45 TW laser system developed at IPPL offers unique opportunities for research in laser-driven particle and X-ray sources. This article provides information about the facility and describes initial experiments performed for establishing the baseline platforms for secondary plasma sources.
Ultrafast electromagnetic waves radiated from semiconductor material under high electric fields and photoexcited by femtosecond laser pulses have been recorded by using terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The waveforms of these electromagnetic w
光学相干层析成像(OCT)是一种具有高分辨率、非接触、非侵入的成像技术, 它通过测量生物组织的后向散射光的干涉信号, 对生物组织的内部结构进行层析成像。OCT技术作为一种诊断技术被广泛应用于医学领域, 特别是眼科图像诊断。由于频域OCT(FD-OCT)无需进行纵向扫描就可得到全部深度位置的特征信息, 因此成像速度比传统时域OCT(TD-OCT)快, 更适合于眼科应用。构建了一套基于光纤的频域光学相干层析成像系统, 纵向分辨率达到了10 μm, 扫描速度达到了每秒24000次以上。通过调节系统可对眼底视网膜
采用四级主振荡功率放大(MOPA)结构,研制了高功率全光纤掺镱皮秒光纤激光器。种子源采用基于非线性偏振旋转(NPR)效应的被动锁模光纤激光器,中心波长为1062.8 nm,重复频率为17.51 MHz,谱线宽度为5 nm,平均功率为7.14 mW。为了抑制功率放大过程中的非线性效应,通过全光纤重复频率扩展器将种子脉冲激光的重复频率提高到281.7 MHz。主功率放大级以长度为4.8 m的大模场面积掺镱双包层光纤作为增益介质。在抽运功率为60 W时,获得的最大平均输出功率为31.2 W,光光转换效率为52%
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a universal and blind polarization-state tracking scheme for M-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals based on a decision-free radius-directed linear Kalman filter (RD-LKF). The polarization tracking perfor
1961年Zaret等应用激光凝固视网膜剥离获得成功,使人们对激光引进医学领域增加了兴趣和信心。目前在国际上已有40多个国家,1000多个企业和研究机构,近三万名科技人员从事激光研究,有数十种刊物经常刊载激光在生物医学方面的应用报导和专题论文。近十多年来,激光在肿瘤防治研究方面 的应用日见增多。主要有:激光治癌、激光探癌以及激光显微术等三个方面,今简介于后。
We proposed a new kind of cascade Y-branch splitter with a branching region and a fan-out region. The length of the new device are analyzed in detail and compared with ordinary ones. The results show that the new splitter can be 10%-30% shorter than the o