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溘然长逝 1971年没有任何灾难性的征兆,但是父亲衰老得更快了。前不久发生的一连串事件并没有对他产生致命的打击,在同佩尔谢的最后一次谈话中。父亲说他已经把自己的全部精力献给了国家和人民。而今天他突然意识到自己的努力已付诸东流,他好像也从未在这个国度生存过。这种想法导致父亲精神上的彻底崩溃。在父亲的内心深处,老朋友的背叛同我国国民经济状况日益恶化引起的痛苦交织在一起。他在位时采取的新措施均被取消,一切又恢复到老样子,而国内形势却越来越糟,商店货架空空如也。父亲晚年经常重复说着:“主要的是应让人民有饭吃,有衣、有鞋 Death passed without any catastrophic signs in 1971, but his father grew older. A series of recent incidents did not have a fatal blow to him, in the last conversation with Persech. My father said he has devoted all his energy to the country and the people. Today, he suddenly realized that his efforts had been lost and he never seemed to have survived in this country. This idea led to the complete collapse of the spirit of the father. In the heart of his father, the betrayal of old friends is intertwined with the pain caused by the deteriorating national economic conditions in our country. The new measures he took during his reign were lifted and everything returned to the same old world, while the situation in the country was getting worse and worse. The store shelves were empty. My father often repeats in his later years: "The main thing is to let the people have food, clothes, shoes
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A monolithic white light-emitting diode (LED) with blue and yellow light active regions has been designed and studied. With the AlxGa1-xN/InyGa1-yN distributed
在日常教学中,一部分体质偏弱的学生,受到生理、心理等因素的影响,对体育锻炼缺乏兴趣,参与体育课或学校安排的其他体育活动时,往往采取消极应付的态度,无法达到 In daily t
各位代表: 湖南省第二届中青年中医药学术交流会今天开幕了!中医药界的中青年代表一起共同交流经验,切磋学术,探讨中青年中医药人员成才之路,这是一次很有意义的会议,也是我