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财政部办公厅编辑的1995年《财政规章制度选编》已由中国财经出版社出版.《选编》汇集了国务院颁发的,财政部、国家税务总局、国家国有资产管理局发出的以及同有关部门联合发出的各类财税制度.它是财政部编辑的收集文件最全、出版迅速及时、具有广泛影响力和权威性的财税法规图书,是指导财税工作的重要媒体和广大财会工作者了解财税制度的窗口,是财税、审计系统及其它行政、企事业单位执行财税法规、维护财经纪律的依据.1995年《选编》每套41.40元(含邮费).欲订者请向各省市财政厅(局)订购,也可通过邮局或银行将书款汇至:北京市东城区大佛寺东街8号中国财政经济出版社,邮政编码:100010,开户银行:北京市工商银行东四分理处.帐号:046198—20.汇款时请务必注明书名、套数及订购者地址、邮编. The 1995 edition of “Selected Financial Regulations and Rules” edited by the General Office of the Ministry of Finance has been published by China Financial Press, and the “Selected Editors’ Collection” issued by the State Council, jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and relevant departments Issued by the various taxation system.It is the most complete collection of documents compiled by the Ministry of Finance, published in a timely and timely manner, with extensive influence and authority of the tax laws and regulations, is an important media to guide the taxation work and the majority of accounting workers to understand the tax system Window, is the fiscal and taxation, auditing system and other administrative, enterprises and institutions to implement tax laws and regulations, the basis for the maintenance of financial discipline .1995 “series” 41.40 yuan per set (including postage.) For those who wish to please provinces and cities Department of Finance (bureau) Order, but also through the post office or bank remittances to the books: Dongfang District, Beijing Dongfang Dafusi Street No. 8 China Financial and Economic Publishing House, Postal Code: 100010, Bank: Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bank East Division. Account: 046198-20. Please be sure to indicate when the remittance book title, sets and subscribers address, zip code.
对B超彩色显像电脑分析的彩色基础、彩色变换、系统结构、工作原理、技术特点及临床应用等进行了较详细的介绍。 The color foundation, color conversion, system structur
一、学法指导《美丽的小兴安岭》与《富饶的西沙群岛》均属常识性文章 ,介绍的都是优美的风景和丰富的物产 ,文中又均有概括其特征的两个词语 ,通过学习也都能激发学生热爱祖
各省、自治区、直辖市,计划单列市财政厅(局)、商业(贸)厅(局): 为了进一步贯彻落实国务院决定精神,切实加强国家储备猪肉的财务管理,在调查研究的基础上,财政部、国内贸易
(一)个性与共性结合培养的原则 培养小学生的创造意识和创造能力要注意将个性的培养与基本素质的培养有机地结合起来。一方面,坚持个性化是促进创新的必不可少的条件。既要培养