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第一章总则第一条为加强城市公有房屋的管理,保障城市公有房屋所有人和使用人的合法权益,制定本规定。第二条本规定适用于直辖市、市、建制镇公有房屋的管理。第三条本规定所称公有房屋系指国有房屋和集体所有的房屋。第四条国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位及军队管理的国有房屋属于国家财产,由国家授权的单位(以下简称产权人)依法行使经营和管理的权利并承担相应的义务。集体所有的房屋,由集体组织(以下简称产权人)依法行使经营和管理的权利并承担相应的义务。公有房屋产权人同时享有相应的土地使用权。第五条公有房屋的经营和管理要逐步实现社会化、专业化。产权人可以委托物业管理公司等代为经营和管理。第六条房屋产权人和使用人对所管理和使用的房屋负有保护责任。任何单位和个人都不得侵占、损坏公有房屋,不得利用公有房屋获取非法利益。第七条国务院建设行政主管部门主管全国城市公有房屋的管理工作。省、自治区建设行政主管部门主管本行政区域内城市公有房屋的管理工作。县级以上城市人民政府房地产行政主管部门主管本行政区域内城市公有房屋的管理工作。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Provisions are formulated to strengthen the management of urban public houses and protect the legitimate rights and interests of owners and users of urban public houses. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the management of public houses in municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities and towns under construction. Article 3 The public housing mentioned in these Provisions refers to state-owned houses and collective-owned houses. Article 4 State-owned houses under the control of state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions and the military shall belong to state property. The units authorized by the State (hereinafter referred to as property owners) exercise their rights of operation and management according to law and undertake corresponding obligations. Collectively owned houses, collective organizations (hereinafter referred to as property owners) exercise their rights to business and management according to law and undertake corresponding obligations. Public housing property owners also enjoy the corresponding land use rights. Article 5 The operation and management of public housing should gradually realize socialization and specialization. Property owners may entrust the property management company on behalf of the operation and management. Article VI of property owners and users of the management and use of the house has the responsibility to protect. No unit or individual may encroach upon or damage public housing or use public housing to obtain illegal profits. Article 7 The State Council department in charge of administration of construction shall be in charge of the management of public housing in cities throughout the country. The administrative department of construction of provinces and autonomous regions shall be in charge of the management of urban public houses in its own administrative area. The real estate administrative department of the people’s government at or above the county level shall be in charge of the management of urban public housing in its own administrative area.
随着幼教事业的蓬勃发展,农村学前教育也日益得到了发展。学前班已在村、镇普遍建立。 幼儿个个天真活泼,可塑性强,对每一物都有陌生感、好奇感,是凭着直观教具或具体实物来
企业管理的核心是人,人是生产经营的主体,资金、物资要由人去使用,生产过程要由人去完成,产品质量要由人保证,所以,人性化管理成为管理的新视野。 The core of business man