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本单元的功能项目是谈论过去和现在的时间关系 ;语法项目是现在完成时的另一种用法 :表示过去已开始 ,延续到现在的动作或状态 ;话题是“使我们的世界变得更美”,描述该话题时必然要用到现在完成时、一般过去时和一般现在时。这样 ,本单元的话题、语法和功能很自然地结合在一起 The functional items of this unit are to talk about the relationship between the past and the present; the grammar project is another use when it is completed now: it means that the past has begun and continues to the present action or state; the topic is “to make our world more beautiful. "When describing this topic, we must use the present time of completion, the past tense, and the present tense. In this way, the topics, syntax, and functions of this unit are naturally combined
NMET2002单项选择题实现了通过语境来考查对词汇、语法、习语等知识的运用。考查的重点仍然是动词的时态、非谓语动词及与动词相关的习语。同学们除了要掌握做题技巧 ,培养在具体语境
一、不定式的否定形式为 not+不定式。不可与谓语动词的否定式混淆。1.He has told m e not to go.他主张我不去。 (不定式否定式 )。2 .The mother didn’t tell me to play
同学们在初二上学期就开始接触到感叹句了,可是有些同学在把陈述句变成感叹句时,往往无所适从,不是句子结构理不清,就是把感叹词how与what用错。那么,如何将一个陈述句 Cla
:Teacher:Frank,you are late for school again.In fact(事实上 ) ,you are late every day.Frank:But I won’t be late tomorrow.Teacher:Nice to hear that.but can you
在日常生活中,牛与我们有着密切的关系。它不但可以耕田、拉车,还能提供我们吃喝,表示与牛有关的食品的词语在英语里俯拾即是。如,beef(牛肉),beef-steak(牛排),cow milk(牛
We are not yet aware of the various facetsof Western civilization.and our encounterwith the West iS mostly on the surface;thatis,we have approached the West ei
MissGreenhadbeentakingdrivinglessonsandtryingtopassherdrivingtestforseveralyears,butshehadfailedmanytimes ,becauseshealwaysbecame MissGreenhadbeentakingdrivinglessonsandtryingtopassherdrivingtestforseveralyears,butshehadfailedmanytimes ,becauseshealwaysb