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礼仪源于习俗并通过惯用形式表现,学习礼仪就是学习习俗、学习惯用形式。而习俗、惯用形式是繁琐的。灌输式的教学、讲解式的教学只会使学生恹恹欲睡,最终也只是纸上谈兵。案例教学法可以采用,例如在学习礼仪原理时可引用名人礼仪佳话、现代商战中的例子来说明,以加深印象,但案例教学法只能使学生在知礼方面理解得更深刻,在行礼、达礼等方面收效甚微。我通过几年来对礼仪教学的探索,认为模拟操作教学法是学习礼仪的一种好方法,不仅使学生在知礼方面领悟深刻,而且在行礼和达礼方面取得显著效应。模拟操作是指教师按照礼仪训练的目的和要求,设计 Etiquette comes from custom and through the usual forms of performance, learning etiquette is the study of customs, learning forms. The custom, the usual form is tedious. Instilled teaching, explaining the type of teaching will only make students sleepy, and ultimately only on paper. Case teaching method can be used, for example, in the study of etiquette principles can quote celebrity etiquette, modern business war examples to illustrate, to deepen the impression, but the case teaching method can only make students understand the gift of understanding more profound, salute, up to Etiquette and other aspects with little success. Through several years of exploration of etiquette teaching, I think that the simulated operation teaching method is a good way to learn etiquette. It not only enables students to comprehend profound knowledge of etiquette but also achieves remarkable effects in respect of salute and darling. Simulation refers to the teacher in accordance with the purpose and requirements of etiquette training, design
近日徜徉书海,读到南振兴、刘春霖的新作《知识产权学术前沿问题研究》(中国书籍出版社2 0 0 3年1月版)一书,感触良多,感觉有推荐给同仁的必要。法学研究的活跃是由社会变革
我从遥远的莫力达瓦山的传说中听到了一个关于莫力达瓦山的故事。你高大的脊背上只有骏马才能攀登么? 你挺拔的身躯上只有雄鹰才能飞越么? 你在沉积的历史里化作了凝固的海
笔者选取数学高考中的典型题目,对中学数学教学中多种类型的对比法进行了实例解析与论证。 The author selects the typical questions in mathematics college entrance ex
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的 :研究化学性肝损伤对机体免疫机能的影响。方法 :选择 30只健康、1月龄、平均体重 (83 2 0± 2 11)g雌雄各半SD大鼠 ,经一段时间适应性饲养后 ,随机分成四氯化碳 (CCl4