《新闻战线》编辑部: 人民日报读者来信版的《立此存照》栏目,十分引人注目。一张照片,简短而又尖锐的几句编者附语,把那些丑恶的行为暴露在光天化日之下,既使当事者受到指责,又使有类似行为者引以为戒。它对搞好精神文明建设,改变社会不良风气,起了积极的作用。平日里,每当见到人民日报刊有《立此存照》,人们就围在一起争相观看,而后又议论纷纷。1983年5月14日人民日报第五版刊登的《折腰者》,拍摄的是一位同志在北京市一个公共汽车站拣拾废票,准备回单位报销的丑态。
“News Front” Editorial: People’s Daily Reader’s letter of the “Legislative Yuan” section, very compelling. A photograph, a short but sharp editorial, exposes those ugly acts in broad daylight, bringing the accused to a halt to allegations of similar deeds. It has played a positive role in improving the building of a spiritual civilization and changing the social unhealthy trend. Weekdays, whenever people see the People’s Daily newspaper has “set this deposit”, people gathered around to watch, and then talked about. On May 14, 1983, People’s Daily published the fifth edition of the “Beggar” and shot a ghost of a comrade who picked up invalid tickets at a bus stop in Beijing to prepare for reimbursement of units.