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本文提出了“母亲”这一概念的范畴结构,探讨了定义这类范畴的方法。“母亲”这一范畴有众多的成员,如:生母,养母,继母,未婚母亲,乳母,代理母亲,遗传母亲,生物母亲,……。词典对“母亲”的定义遵循了不同的认知模式,如:出生模式,哺育模式,婚姻模式,家系模式……。以上认知模式是“母亲”的比喻义,引申义的根源。但无一能反映“母亲”的原型意义。本文通过对“母亲”的成员的分析,提出了“母亲”的范畴结构以及定义该范畴“原型”意义的方法。 This paper proposes the category structure of the concept of “mother” and discusses methods for defining such categories. The “mother” category has numerous members such as: mother, mother, stepmother, unmarried mother, nursing mother, acting mother, genetic mother, biological mother,... The definition of “mother” in the dictionary follows different cognitive patterns, such as birth patterns, nurturing patterns, marriage patterns, and family patterns. The above cognitive model is the metaphorical meaning of “mother” and the origin of the meaning of extension. But none of them reflect the archetype of “mother”. This article analyzes the members of “mother” and proposes the category structure of “mother” and the method of defining the “prototype” meaning of this category.
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