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进一步深化中小学人事制度改革,是贯彻落实党的十六大精神,办好让人民满意的教育的必然要求;是贯彻全国农村教育工作会议精神,全面加强农村教育工作的重要任务;是创新教师队伍建设机制,建立能进能出、能上能下的用人机制的迫切需要。在实践“三个代表”重要思想、全面建设小康 Further deepening the reform of the personnel system in primary and secondary schools is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the spirit of the Party’s 16th National Congress and the education for satisfying the people; it is an important task for the implementation of the spirit of the national rural education conference and the comprehensive strengthening of rural education; it is an innovative teacher. The team building mechanism establishes an urgent need for an employment mechanism that enables energy efficiency and energy efficiency. Practice the important thinking of the “Three Represents” and build a well-off society in an all-round way
我们知道函数f(x)图象关于点(a,0)对称对任意x∈R f(a+x)=-f(a-x)(或f(x)=-f(2a-x)).下面利用这条性质解决几个问题. 例1 若函数f(x)=(x+a)3对任意的实数x都有f(1+x)=-f(1-x
关于中线互相垂直的三角形 ,有一个十分有趣的性质 ,我们归结如下 :定理 如果三角形中两中线互相垂直 ,那么两中点所在边的平方和等于第三边平方的 5倍 ,反之亦然 .证明 如
“如果我们能够向整个宇宙扩张,为什么要担心地球上有太多的人?早期欧洲通过将其过剩人口运往新大陆而解决了它的人口问题,为什么我们 “If we can expand to the entire u
学习一元一次不等式,重要的是应用其基本知识解决实际问题.下面从五个方面举例加以说明.一、比较大小例1比较x3+2x2-1与x3-5的大小.解:(x3+2x2-1)-(x3-5)=2x2+4,∵x2≥0,所以2x2+4>0.故x3+2x2-1>x3-5.二、确定字母的 To learn a one-t
About the Spring Festi-val, there are manylegends,one of whichgoes like this.Thou-sands of years ago,there lived a de-mon.He did much damage to the village peo