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辽宁省朝阳市出台了朝阳市教育信息化工程实施方案,经过多年的探索与实践,取得了较好的成绩。为确保教育信息化工程的组织实施,全市成立了朝阳市教育信息化领导委员会,下设教育信息化领导小组和教育信息中心,负责教育信息化工程的统筹规划、组织协调、推进建设和管理规范等责任。各地成立了相应的管理领导机构。各级各类学校都成立了教育信息化工程领导小组,有力地加强了教育信息化建设工作。与此同时,各级政府也保证对教育信息化工程建设的投入,把信息化建设的经费列入经常性教育经费中,保证了建设工程的实际需要。在此基础上,朝阳市还制定了中小学教师教育信息技术培训规划,培养出一支数量足够、质量合格的中小学信息技术教育师资队伍。把信息技术能力与水平作为评选先进教师及教师任职、评聘和职务晋升的必要条件。 Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province promulgated the implementation plan of the Chaoyang Education Informatization Project. After years of exploration and practice, it has achieved good results. To ensure the organization and implementation of education informatization projects, the city has established the Chaoyang Education Informatization Leadership Committee, which consists of an education informatization leading group and an education and information center responsible for the overall planning, organization, coordination, and promotion of construction and management of education informatization projects. Responsibility. All localities established corresponding management and leadership agencies. Schools at all levels and all levels have established leading groups for educational informationization projects, which have effectively strengthened education informatization. At the same time, governments at all levels have also pledged to invest in the construction of education informatization projects. The funds for informationization have been included in the funds for regular education and the practical needs of construction projects have been guaranteed. On this basis, Chaoyang City has also formulated a training plan for primary and secondary school teachers’ education and information technology training, and trained a qualified and qualified teacher and teacher of information technology education in primary and secondary schools. The ability and level of information technology are taken as a necessary condition for selecting advanced teachers and teachers for appointment, appraisal and promotion.
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