
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smalleye
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本书是《近代以来日本的中国观》研究丛书的第三卷,共七章,500余页。后附相关事项年表与参考文献。正文中旁征博引了大量第一手史料,是集分析解读近代中日关系、日本外交、思想以及社会文化于一体的研究力作。笔者不揣冒昧,将拜读后的心得与诸位分享。就笔者管见,关于研究中国人之日本观的著作屡屡出现,如孙雪梅的《清末民初中国人的日本观——以直隶省为中心》①、熊达云的《近代中国官民的日本视察》。②但反之从史学角度研究日本人的中国观不能不说是一个新颖的课题。尽管近年零星出现了对这一课题的研究,但研究对象多侧重于吉田松阴、福泽谕吉等已经被反复研究的人物,对于其他思想家的研究并不多,分析也不够深入。针对这些研究现状和研究成果,本书在分析论述时突出了如下几个特点。 This book is the third volume of a series of books on the study of China in modern China, with seven chapters and more than 500 pages. The attached chronology and references of related matters. In the text, a large number of first-hand historical materials are cited in the parade, which is a research masterpiece analyzing and interpreting the modern Sino-Japanese relations, Japanese diplomacy, ideology and social culture. I do not know what to expect, after reading the experience to share with you. As far as the author is concerned, writings on the study of the Japanese concept of the Chinese people appear frequently. For example, Sun Xuemei’s “Japanese View of the Chinese at the End of the Qing and the Republic of China - Focusing on Zhili Province” ① and Xiong Da Yun’s “Japanese Inspection of Modern Chinese Officials”. ② On the contrary, it is a novel subject to study the Japanese concept of China from a historical perspective. Despite the sporadic emergence of sporadic research on this topic in recent years, the research objects have mostly focused on the people who have been repeatedly studied such as Yoshida Shinetsu, Fukuzawa Yukichi and others. There are not many studies on other thinkers and the analysis is not deep enough. In response to these research status and research results, this book highlights the following characteristics in the analysis and exposition.
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