来宾市总工会 制定实施经审约谈制度

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为提高审计整改的刚性约束力,进一步强化工会经审工作的管理,增强工会经审工作监督和服务的职能,加大工会内部审计整改力度,提高内部审计效力,转化经审工作成果,促进工会经审事业健康有序发展,广西壮族自治区来宾市总工会制定实施了经审约谈制度,就经审约谈对象、约谈方式、约谈内容、约谈处理等作出明确的规定,拓展创新经审监督服务的形式和内容。 In order to enhance the rigidity and binding power of the audit rectification and reform, further strengthen the management of the labor auditing work conducted by the trade unions, enhance the supervision and service functions of the trade unions through the auditing work, intensify the rectification of the internal audit of trade unions, enhance the effectiveness of internal auditing, transform the results of the judical work and promote the trade unions With the sound and orderly development of the auditing business, the Laibin Municipal Federation of Trade Unions in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has formulated and conducted a system of interviews of interviews and interviews and made clear provisions on the objects of interviews, methods of interviews, contents of interviews, and interviews with interviews and others to promote innovation The form and content of the trial supervision services.
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The three dimensional(3D) geometry of soil macropores largely controls preferential flow, which is a significant infiltrating mechanism for rainfall in forest s
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