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为了孩子的生存和福利,制定保障儿童/青少年利益的社会福利政策,是非常必要的,因为儿童/青少年政策在很大程度上是成人如何想和如何做的体现。英国儿童/青少年社会福利政策可以为理解福利本质提供一个分析框架:身体和心灵、牺牲者与威胁者以及投资三个视角。1880年代到1940年代英国儿童/青少年社会福利政策主要有两组二元论叙述,一组是从关注孩子的身体(1880—1914)转换到关注孩子的心灵(1914—1940);另一组是牺牲者与威胁者叙述,重点是在保护儿童的立法中,究竟有多少是将儿童/青少年看成威胁者而不是遭受痛苦的牺牲者,把孩子看作威胁者的想象决定着他们成为牺牲者的现实,也决定着国家采取怎样的儿童福利政策。两组二元论为分析和理解儿童/青少年福利政策提供了分类依据,并成为当代学界基本认同的分析框架。进入20世纪中叶以后,这两组二元论的话语渐渐地转化为投资的话语,那就是儿童/青少年社会福利政策的目的既在于一般意义上保护国家的未来,又是对家庭亲职的积极倡导。 For the sake of children’s survival and well-being, it is necessary to formulate a social welfare policy that protects the interests of children / youths, since the children’s / youth policies are to a great extent what adults are thinking and doing. The UK Child / Youth Social Welfare Policy provides an analytical framework for understanding the nature of well-being: the body and mind, prey and threat and investing. From the 1880s to the 1940s, there were mainly two sets of dualistic discourses on the social welfare policies for children / adolescents in the United Kingdom. One was the shift from focusing on the child’s body (1880-1914) to focusing on the child’s mind (1914-1940); the other was the victim The narratives with the threatrs focus on how much of the legislation in child protection amounts to treating children / adolescents as victims rather than victims of suffering, and the imagination of children as threatening people determines the realities in which they become victims , But also determines what kind of child welfare policy the state adopts. The two sets of dualism provide a basis for classification and analysis of children’s / adolescent welfare policies and become the analytical framework for the basic recognition of contemporary scholarship. After entering the middle of the 20th century, the two groups of discourses of dualism gradually translate into investment discourses. That is, the purpose of the social welfare policy for children / adolescents is to protect the future of the country in a general sense and to actively advocate for family pro-personnel.
“It be…that(since,before,when)从句”,这类句型用法较为复杂,是教学中的难点,也是学生极易混淆、常常出错的句型。根据历年高考试卷抽样分析,这类试题的正确率一直偏低
今天,我想请步老师结合今年的中考谈谈语文课堂教学改革及初中学生学习语文的一些问题。请问,今年的中考试题与往年相比有什么变化? 今年中考题的主要变化有五点:一是在阅读
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