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在最迷茫的青春期里,每当不安的时候,我就骑着它去放空心情。头项是湛蓝的天空,车下是柏油马路,而它在蹈上飞驰着,飞驰着,让所有不好的心情烟消云散。初中的时候,我选择了外宿,从住的地方到学校,那条路长得惊人。在没有公车的情况下,我每天空余的时间都用在走略上。跟我一起住的女生叫阿禾,我们相互为伴走了整整一个学期。后来觉得实在太浪费时间,于是商量着一起买一辆单车。 In the most confused adolescence, whenever I was uneasy, I rode it to vent my heart. The first item is a clear blue sky, and under the car is a tarmac road. While it is galloping and galloping, all bad feelings are gone. When I was in junior high school, I chose to stay in a place where I lived. From the place I was living in to the school, the road was amazing. In the absence of a bus, I spent a little time on the skies. The girl who lived with me was called Auntie. We spent a full semester with each other. Later, I felt that I was wasting too much time, so I decided to buy a bicycle together.
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