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本文是建设部施工管理司司长张青林同志撰写的、全面阐述建筑施工企业组织结构改革的一篇专稿。全文分四个部分,即:一、关于我国施工队伍发展中所给予的四点启示,阐述了施工队伍发展主要经历了初创、调整、动乱、改革四个阶段所给予我们的四点启示;二、关于企业组织结构改革的基本思路,阐述了体制改革的三个层次和三个步骤:三、关于促进企业组织结构调整的宏观调控措施;四、关于建筑企业组织结构改革基本思路的理论基础。本刊第四期发表的张青林同志在协会第六次年会上题为《为创造九十年代施工工作新局面而努力》的讲话中,已简要论述了第一、二部分的基本内容,本期只摘发第二部分的基本思路,全文刊发三、四部分,供各地施工企业参阅,以推动施工企业组织结构改革的进一步深化。 This article is written by Comrade Zhang Qinglin, Director of the Department of Construction Management of the Ministry of Construction, and gives a comprehensive account of the organizational structure reform of construction companies. The full text is divided into four parts, namely: First, on the four points of enlightenment given in the development of China’s construction team, elaborated that the development of the construction team mainly experienced four points of enlightenment given to us in the four stages of the start-up, adjustment, turmoil, and reform; The basic thinking on the reform of the organizational structure of an enterprise describes the three levels and three steps of the structural reform: Third, macro-control measures to promote the adjustment of the organizational structure of the enterprise; Fourth, the theoretical basis of the basic idea of ​​the organizational structure reform of construction enterprises. Comrade Zhang Qinglin, who was published in the fourth issue of the journal, had briefly discussed the basic content of the first and second parts of his speech at the sixth annual meeting of the association, entitled “Efforts to Create a New Situation for the Construction Work in the 1990s.” Only the second part of the basic idea was issued, and the full text was published in sections 3 and 4 for reference by local construction companies to promote the deepening of reform of the organizational structure of construction companies.
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月光可以达到  爱所达不到的地方  --西默斯·希尼《私生子》  看花海  我曾幻想。我们一起去看花,  数那些玻璃似的肉身、绽放的疼痛。  在荒芜的远郊,我藏匿于一片花海,  你跟着躺下,彩虹横卧在你身上。  “可以看到自己的影子”,你调皮地跳起,  顺势舔了一下花蕊。刺眼的薰衣草包围过来,  仿佛这里只剩一个人。穿过花丛,  到最远的地方看我,那是你唯一真实的去处。  有几个人拍照,有几个人闻
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