周总理是个高瞻远瞩、统驭大局的伟人,同时又是一位严细有加、明察秋毫的长者。夏衍同志生前曾忆及两件发生在重庆的小事,可以从中看到周恩来体察、体谅、体贴朋友和同志到了无微不至的地步。 一件是:在重庆时,周恩来常邀请一些党内和党外的朋友到郭沫若家中举行茶会或便餐。人数不定,少时三五人,多时二十余人。名单都由周恩来拟定。一次集会后,周发现按名单漏邀一人,当即对夏衍和负责通知的人进行了批评:“‘一人向隅,举坐为之不欢’嘛,在你们可能认为是无意的疏忽,一件小事,可在对方,会被认为是有意的疏忽,那就不是一件小事了。”说完,即派车接人,见面后,周还亲自向其表示了歉意。
Premier Chou is a great man with a long-term vision and overall control of the overall situation. He is also an elaborate and insightful elder. During his lifetime, Comrade Xia Yan recalled two minor incidents that took place in Chongqing. From this we can see that Zhou Enlai had witnessed, understood and thoughtful friends and comrades came in every possible way. The first one was: In Chongqing, Zhou Enlai often invited some friends inside and outside the Party to hold tea parties or light meals at Guo’s home. The number of uncertain, less than three five people, more than twenty people. The list is drawn up by Zhou Enlai. After a rally, Zhou discovered that one person was omitted from the list and immediately criticized Xia Yan and the person in charge of the notification: “Well, one person does not sit with her because of what you think may be an unintentional omission. A trivial matter , But in the other side, will be considered a deliberate negligence, then it is not a trifle. ”Finish, that is to send a car to meet people, after the meeting, Zhou personally apologized to them.