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凡到过青藏高原的人,或许都见过藏山的山口路旁常有大大小小的石堆,上边插着木杆,飘着经幡。这就是藏传佛教地区人们心目中神圣的嘛呢堆。 嘛呢,是梵文佛经中《六字真言经》中“嗯嘛呢叭咪哞”的简称。藏传佛教认为,六字真言经是一切佛经的根本,要常念不停,方可真悟。善男信女们为了寄托他们的信念,就在经常路过的路边或山口放上刻有经文的石头,表示他们曾在此虔诚地念诵过六字真言经。过路者常年不断,垒放石头的地点也约定俗成。于是石头越来越多,就成了大大小小规模不等的嘛呢堆了。因为在信徒们心目中,嘛呢堆常堆在山头上,或嘛呢堆本身就像一座代表人与天神对话的山尖,所以藏区的人们称嘛呢堆为“拉什则”(山峰)。而在蒙古语中,人们又将嘛呢堆称为“敖包”,在青海则转音为“俄博”。 嘛呢堆多为方形或圆形,以白石头堆成,或者以白石头为主堆成。石堆上面插上木棒、树枝、羽箭,挂上五色风马幡、彩线、白羊毛,摆放着牛羊头等吉祥驱邪物。人们还会以石堆为中心,向四面拉出许多绳子,绳子上挂 Those who have been to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, may have seen a large pile of stone piles around the mountain pass, often with wooden poles, floating prayer flags. This is the sacred thing that people in Tibetan Buddhism think. Well, it is abbreviated as “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Tibetan Buddhism believes that the six-character truth-telling is the foundation of all Buddhist scriptures. In order to pin their convictions, good men and women placed stones engraved with scripture on the side of the road or mountain pass often passing by, stating that they had piously recited the six-word truth. Passers-by all the year round, barrier stone sites also agreed. So more and more stones, it has become large and small scale things Well it? Because in the believer’s mind things are often heaped on the top of a hill, or the heap itself is like a mountaintop where the representative speaks with the gods, so people in Tibetan areas call it “Rush Zebu” ). In Mongolian, however, people call it “Aobao” again, and in Qinghai it is “Bo”. Well, most of the heap is square or round, with white stones, or white stones. Stone piles above the stick inserted sticks, branches, feather arrows, hanging colored wind horse streamers, color lines, white wool, placed auspicious objects such as cattle and sheep exorcism. People will also be stone pile as the center, pulled out to many sides of the rope, hanging on the rope
腹腔妊娠在临床上并不多见,最近我们遇到三例,兹摘录介绍如下: 例一:陈××,43岁,东莞人,售货员,孕七产六,于1961年5月26日因妊娠8个月全腹剧痛入院。末次月经为1960年8月27
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