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在管乐的演奏过程中,当演奏技巧和表演方面与我们的压力过大时,就会出现“紧张”的现象。从而表现为我们演奏者身体出现僵硬、身体表现动作失调、全身乏力、呼吸出现紧张局促、全身发冷汗、手指僵硬、吹奏发音困难、手指与嘴唇不能很好的协调运作、心理负担过重等,这些现象严重影响了我们水平的正常发挥,导致演出失败。从而给自己很严重的心理影响,长久下去会导致永远都惧怕舞台!本文是以作者演奏大管的亲身经历为例,对演奏过程中的放松给予能够克服紧张的方法进行阐述。 In the process of playing windpipes, there is a phenomenon of “tension” when the pressure on us with playing skills and acting is excessive. The performance of our players body stiffness, physical performance disorders, malaise, respiratory tension, body sweating, stiff fingers, difficult to pronounce the pronunciation, fingers and lips can not be well coordinated operation, psychological burden and so on, These phenomena have seriously affected the normal performance of our level, resulting in the failure of the performance. And thus give themselves a very serious psychological impact, the long run will lead to a fear of the arena forever! This article is based on the experience of the author to play a big tube as an example, the relaxation of the process of giving tension to overcome the possible ways to elaborate.
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