Apolipoprotein E polymorphisms increase the risk of post-stroke depression

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c546852942
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Recent reports have shown that apolipoprotein E(APOE) polymorphisms are involved in neurodegenerative disease.However,it is unclear whether APOE affects post-stroke depression.Accordingly,we hypothesized that APOE polymorphisms modify the risk of post-stroke depression.Here,we performed a hospital-based case-control study(including 76 cerebral infarction cases with post-stroke depression,88 cerebral infarction cases without post-stroke depression,and 109 controls without any evidence of post-stroke depression or cerebral infarction) to determine possible association between APOE rs429358 and rs7412 polymorphisms and risk of post-stroke depression.Our findings show no difference among the groups with regards genotype distribution of the rs7412 polymorphism.In contrast,APOE genotypes with rs429358-C alleles increased the risk of post-stroke depression.Further,the rs429358 polymorphism was associated with significantly decreased regional cerebral blood flow values in the left temporal lobe of post-stroke depression cases.Additionally,the rs429358 polymorphism was not only associated with depression severity,but with increasing serum levels of total cholesterol.These results suggest that the APOE rs429358 polymorphism is associated with increased risk of developing post-stroke depression,and that APOE rs429358-C allele genotypes may be detrimental to recovery of nerve function after stoke.Indeed,these findings provide clinical data for future post-stroke depression gene interventions. Recent reports have shown that apolipoprotein E (APOE) polymorphisms are involved in neurodegenerative disease. However, it is unclear whether APOE affects post-stroke depression. Accredially, we hypothesized that APOE polymorphisms modify the risk of post-stroke depression. Here, we performed a hospital-based case-control study (including 76 cerebral infarction cases with post-stroke depression, 88 cerebral infarction cases without post-stroke depression, and 109 controls without any evidence of post-stroke depression or cerebral infarction) APOE rs429358 and rs7412 polymorphisms and risk of post-stroke depression. Our findings show no difference among the groups with respect genotype distribution of the rs7412 polymorphism. In contrast, APOE genotypes with rs429358-C alleles increased the risk of post-stroke depression. , the rs429358 polymorphism was associated with significantly decreased regional cerebral blood flow values ​​in the left temporal lob e of post-stroke depression cases. Additionally, the rs429358 polymorphism was not only associated with depression severity, but with increasing serum levels of total cholesterol. These results suggest that the APOE rs429358 polymorphism is associated with increased risk of developing post-stroke depression, and that APOE rs429358-C allele genotypes may be detrimental to recovery of nerve function after stoke.Indeed, these findings provide clinical data for future post-stroke depression gene interventions.
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