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《中华人民共和国农村土地承包法》(以下简称《农村土地承包法》)已经九届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议通过,自2003年3月1日起施行。这是新时期我国农业和农村经济发展进程中的一件大事,是我国加强农业法制建设的一个重要步骤,标志着我国农村土地承包已走上法制化的轨道。为了全面实施《农村土地承包法》,现就有关工作提出如下意见。一、认真学习,加强宣传,做到家喻户晓以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制是我国农村的基本经营制度。《农村土地承包法》把农村土地承包纳入了法制化轨道,赋予农(牧)民长期而有保障的土地使用权,维护了农村土地承包当事人的合法权益。全面实施《农村土地承包法》,对于促进农业和农村经济发展,维护农村社会稳定具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。各地要把贯彻 The Rural Land Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Rural Land Contract Law”) has been adopted by the 29th NPC Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress and will come into force on March 1, 2003. This is an important event in the process of agricultural and rural economy development in the new era in our country and an important step in strengthening the building of agricultural legal system in our country. It marks that the contracting of rural land in our country has embarked on the track of legalization. In order to fully implement the “Rural Land Contract Law,” we hereby submit the following opinions on the relevant work. First, conscientiously study and step up publicity so as to make it a well-known household management system based on household contract management. The dual management system based on integration and integration is the basic management system in rural China. The Rural Land Contract Law incorporates land contract in rural areas into the legal system, giving long-term and guaranteed land use rights to farmers and herdsmen and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of contracted parties in rural land. The full implementation of the Rural Land Contract Law has very important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for promoting the development of agriculture and rural economy and safeguarding social stability in rural areas. All localities should implement it
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