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“灰皮书”、“黄皮书”是坊间对上世纪60年代开始出版的一批“内部发行”图书的统称,它的出现,是我国当代出版史上一个奇特现象。出版“灰皮书”、“黄皮书”的背景是配合国际“反修”政治斗争,目的是教育干部“反修防修”。“文革”开始后,这些图书以各种方式流传开来,给当时参与“地下读书”活动的青少年以极大的思想启发,促使他们联系社会政治经济实际思考国家未来发展,这些思考随着知识青年“上山下乡”运动向全国蔓延,逐渐汇聚成为后来思想解放运动的先导,一定程度上也是推动我国改革开放和转型前进的社会共识。 The “Gray Book”, “The Yellow Book” is a collective term for a group of books entitled “Internal Distribution” published in the 1960s. Its appearance is a peculiar phenomenon in the history of contemporary publishing in our country. The publication of the “Gray Paper” and the “Yellow Paper” are in line with the international “anti-revisionist” political struggle with the aim of educating cadres and “anti-revisionist and anti-revisionist.” After the Cultural Revolution began, these books were circulated in various ways and inspired young people who were involved in “underground study” activities at that time, urging them to think socially and economically and actually reflect on the future development of the country. These Thinking With the spread of knowledge youth, the movement of “going to the country under the mountain” to the whole country, gradually converging to become the leader of the ideological liberation movement later, and to a certain extent, it is also a social consensus that will promote China’s reform and opening up and its transformation.
先混个脸熟  心理学的“曝光效应”表明,只要一个人或事、物,不断在自己的眼前出现,自己就愈有机会喜欢上这个人或事、物。所以,有喜欢的人,就从“不断偶遇”开始吧。  不过需要注意的是,如果一开始就让人感到厌恶的事物,就无法产生曝光效应。如果两个人彼此之间已经有冲突,或者性格上本来就不合,愈常见面反而愈扩大彼此的冲突。  让出个人空间,走近他  社会心理学家利昂·费斯廷格和罗伯特·扎伊翁茨发现,简单的
近年来,有关小儿水、电解质和酸碱紊乱研究的进展,大致有下列方面.阴离子间隙的概念及其测定的临床应用阴离子间隙(Anion Gap,以下简称AG)的正确概念应为总未测定阴离子(U·
介绍了一种用途广泛的新型复合材料——包铜铜丝.对其传统的机械包覆和电镀生产方法作了简介.并详细介绍了热浸镀法生产包钢钢丝这一新技术的原理、特点及生产设备等. A new
本文报道用三氯氧磷酯化、水解方法制备单丁基磷酸酯,用红外、核磁共振,质谱等方法对其结构进行了分析与表征。 This paper reports the esterification of phosphorus oxychl