
来源 :中国造纸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hezefgj
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《中国造纸》“纸史专栏”编辑同志: 近年来,贵刊接连刊登了有关讨论造纸术发明权归属的文章,很及时,也很必要。但在今年第二期一篇文章里,把“起源”与“发明”二辞混同起来,是不妥的。“起源”,通常指一事物的原始发生及发展过程;“发明”,是指人创造出前所未有的新事物。两者虽有因果关系,但绝不可混为一谈。如清·段玉裁:“按造纸昉于漂絮……”,“昉”,始也,即“起源于”之意,也就是说在前人漂打丝绵等许多原始经验的启发下,蔡伦创造发 Editor of “Paper History Column” in “China's Papermaking”: In recent years, it has been timely and necessary for your magazine to publish articles on the ownership of the invention right of papermaking. However, in the second issue of this year, it is improper to confuse the two words “origin” with “invention.” “Origin” usually refers to the original occurrence and development of a thing; “Invention” refers to a new thing created by man. Although causality between the two, but must not be confused. Such as Qing Duan Yu cut: “According to the paper 昉 漂 floc Xu ... ...”, “昉”, the beginning also, that is, “originated in” meaning, that is, under the inspiration of many previous experience of playing with silk sponge and many other original experience, Cai Lun create hair
迎着新世纪的曙光 ,中国药品生物制品检定所迎来了她 5 0岁的生日。 2 0 0 0年 12月 2 8日 ,中检所为建所 5 0周年举行了隆重而简朴的庆祝活动。全国人大蒋正华副委员长出席
This paper reports that the transverse laser induced thermoelectric voltages (LITV) are observed for the first time in the step flow growth (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
被视为医改深水区的公立医院改革即将从县一级破题。4月底,国务院发布《深化医药卫生体制改革2012年主要工作安排》,以县级医院为重点,统筹推进公立医院管理体制、补偿机制等综合改革,选择在300个左右县(市)开展县级医院综合改革试点。  2009年新医改启动以来,县级层面的本土化探索逐渐形成经验,其中以“神木模式”、“子长模式”和“桑植模式”最为瞩目,政府投入的规模和方向虽有不同,但均以回归公益性作为