
来源 :浙江中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdkfire
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男性冠状动脉性心脏病的患病率高于女性的原因目前尚不清楚。瑞典科学家通过研究出生在赫尔辛基的7000多名男女,发现患心脏病的女性在出生时身体短粗,而男性患者在出生时较瘦长。研究者认为这种出生时体质上的不同反映了不同性别对胎儿期营养不良影响的内源性的差异。因女性胎 The reason why the prevalence of coronary heart disease in men is higher than that in women is not known. Swedish scientists studied more than 7,000 men and women born in Helsinki and found that women with heart disease were short-lived at birth, while men were born leaner. The researchers believe that this difference in physical constitution at birth reflects the endogenous differences in the effects of gender on fetal malnutrition. Due to female fetus
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打破原有的地区、级别、部门局 限,联合重组、合作共建、走 集团化管理的道路,一股清新的改革之风,正给上海的医疗系统带来勃勃生机。 1999年8月,瑞金医院正式与卢湾区中心医院合作,与
学好英语靠实践体验,别光说不练,从现在起就坚持听说读写练。 Learn English by practical experience, do not just say no practice, from now on adhere to read and wri
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