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国家新闻出版署原副署长梁衡说,现在各地都有天轰小小的新闻评奖,到底什么样的稿算好稿,无统一标准,也有一刀切的标准。我一般是用“大、新、深、快、短、强”这七字来衡量大,记者向读者传播信息,当然是要挑重大,有轰动效应的信息,在一定时间或本地域内总是有一些为大多数人共同注目的事件。新,有两层意思,一是刚发生的新鲜事;二是老事情新角度,由这个新角度所揭示的新内容。深,指稿件所揭示问题的深度。信息有时反映本质,有时不反映本质。一条新闻的深浅或它的价值天小,就看记者通过信息反映事物的本质和程度如何。快,指事情发生的时间与稿件见报时间的矩离。快速传递是新闻的特点,也是检验记抢采抢发,编辑独具慧眼,为好稿让路的一个 Liang Heng, former deputy director of the State Press and Publications Department, said that there is a small news award all over the country now. In the end what kind of draft is a good draft, there is no uniform standard and there is a one-size-fits-all standard. I generally use the “big, new, deep, fast, short, strong” to measure the big seven, journalists to spread information, of course, is to pick a big, sensational effect of the information at a certain time or local area There is always something in common for most people. New, there are two meanings, one is the new things just happened; the second is the new perspective of the old things, the new content revealed by this new perspective. Deep, refers to the depth of the issues revealed by the manuscript. Information sometimes reflects the essence and sometimes does not reflect the essence. The depth of a piece of news or its value is small, depending on how journalists reflect the nature and extent of things through information. Fast, refers to the time of occurrence of things and manuscripts see the moment of departure. Fast delivery is a feature of the news, but also a test of intelligence grabbing, editorial discerning, giving way for a good manuscript
目的:旨在描述老年住院患者抑郁的发生状况,对影响老年住院患者抑郁发生的社会支持及应对方式进行调查研究,并探讨实施心理干预对老年住院患者抑郁症状的影响。 方法:研究的第