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狮子座流星雨33年出现一次,大规模的“流星暴雨”约500年才能看到一次。11月18日至19日,狮子座流星雨的爆发引起的“流星暴雨”现象,着实让银川市民大饱了眼福。11月18日晚,我骑摩托车从老城出发去西夏王陵会合已于下午抵达那里的几位影友。路上的寒冷未曾让人却步,到达那里产生的视盲却让人惊出一身冷汗。夜晚的西夏王陵地区完全让人没有了方向感,摩托车几次颠簸后困在了乱石堆里,此时除了无法前行的无奈,更多的是难以言表的焦急,因为灿烂的流星已开始掠过夜空……忽然隐约听到同样兴奋的惊呼声,似乎就在不远处,原来二位友人的三轮摩托亦是同样的境遇。大家相视而笑,弃车赶赴目的地。 Leo meteor shower occurs in 33 years, large-scale “meteor storm” about 500 years to see it once. From November 18 to November 19, the “meteor storm” caused by the Leonid meteor shower really made the residents of Yinchuan see their eyes full. On the evening of November 18, I took a motorbike and set out from the old city to visit several moviemakers who arrived there in the afternoon. The cold on the road has never been a daunting step, and the sight of the blind there was shocking. Night of the Western Xia Imperial Tombs area completely people no sense of direction, motorcycle several bumpy trapped in the rubble, at this time in addition to the helplessness of the forward, more is unspeakable anxious, because brilliant The meteors have begun to swept the night sky ... suddenly vaguely heard the same excitement screams, it seems that not far away, the original two friends of the three-wheeled motorbike is the same situation. Everyone looks and laughs, abandoned the car rushed to the destination.
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