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1997年,本刊发表了卢云先生与商务印书馆总经理杨德炎先生关于“造大船”的对话,在书业界产生了一定的影响。时隔五载,中国迈入WTO大门,中国书业因此面临新的机遇与挑战。当诸多有识之士正认真思考、努力探寻中国出版发展新路之时,本刊再度推出杨卢对话,希冀读者从中受益。中国出版工作者协会副主席、商务印书馆总经理,以此头衔为背景,以中国出版发行代表团顾问的身份,杨德炎于2001年12月上、中旬赴德国考察。临行前,两人在“商务”进行的对话简短而匆忙。杨德炎提出,等考察回来,思路会广些,届时再继续未了的“对话”。12月21日下午4点,笔者与风尘在身、忙碌依旧的杨德炎面对面,在商务会议室开始了几个小时的“交锋”。这是杨德炎回国后首次接受媒体采访。而如此旁无他人、正经八百地聊书业话题,对他们来说已是第二回了。上一回是五年前商务喜庆百年华诞之际。尽管彼此有多年的交情,也常见面、交流,包括最近在2001法国读书节上话旧,但极少触及诸如品牌发展战略、人才竞争、团队建设、机制创新等书业核心话题,因为入世之前,很多东西无从谈起,特别是与国际接轨问题。当然,空谈没有实际作用,但实践很有必要。国内出版界多年来的不懈追求和艰辛探索,积累和总结了不少经验教训,已是中国入世之初可借鉴的最宝贵的精神财富。由于内部条件和外部环境的推动,切入书业深层次领域探讨沟通的时机已经成熟。各抒己见、从容坦然的对话开始了。以下,“杨德炎”简称“杨”,“卢云”简称“卢”。 In 1997, we published a speech on the topic of “building a large ship” between Mr. Lu Yun and Mr. Yang Deyan, General Manager of the Commercial Press, which had a certain impact in the book industry. After a lapse of five years, China’s entry into the WTO door has given China’s book industry new opportunities and challenges. When many people of insight are thinking hard and trying hard to find a new road to China’s publishing development, the magazine again launches the Dialogue with Yang Lu, hoping readers will benefit from it. Vice Chairman of China Publishing Workers Association, General Manager of the Commercial Press, with the title as the background, as an adviser to China’s publishing and distribution delegation, Yang Deyan visited Germany in mid-December and mid-December. Before their departure, the two held a brief conversation in “Business” short and hurried. Yang Deyan proposed waiting for study back, the idea will be broader, then continue the “dialogue.” At 21 o’clock on the December 21, I met face-to-face with the dust, Yang Deyan still busy, in the business meeting room began a few hours of “confrontation.” This is the first time since Yang Deyan returned to the media to interview. But so next to nothing else, serious talk about the book industry topic, for them is the second time. The last time was the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the festive business five years ago. Although they have many years of friendship with each other, they often meet and exchange ideas, including the recent talk of the French Reading Festival in 2001. However, they seldom touch on the core topics of the book industry such as brand development strategy, talent competition, team building and mechanism innovation. , A lot of things can not talk about, especially with the international standards. Of course, talk has no real effect, but practice is necessary. The unremitting pursuit and hard exploration of the domestic publishing industry over the years have accumulated and summed up many experiences and lessons which have become the most precious spiritual wealth that China can learn from at the beginning of its accession to the WTO. Due to the internal conditions and the promotion of the external environment, the time has come to explore the communication in the deep field of the book industry. Express their own views, quiet calm dialogue began. The following, “Yang Deyan” referred to as “Yang”, “Lu Yun” referred to as “Lu.”
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(不包括地球科学类 )名次期 刊 名 称影响因子1地质学报 1.42 52地质论评 1.3373西北地质科学 1.2 764矿床地质 1.1815地理学报 1.0 806岩石学报 0 .9447地质科学 0 .6 93
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
写信成癖 印度孟买有一位退休职员叫安东尼·帕雷卡,每天都要给当地报纸写信,整整坚持了三十八年之久,从未间断过。他每天步行二公里,到孟买的报摊前,专门浏览当天各报的读
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
本文通过分析云南沱茶的结构特征,以及在不同浓度、时间、PH、温度及表面活性剂存在时,自混合水溶液中吸附除砷(Ⅲ)的特性,并通过吸附模型解释了观察到的实验现象。 In this pape