Products Made from Nonmetallic Materials Reclaimed from Waste Printed Circuit Boards

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jishume
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Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are in all electronic equipment, so with the sharp increase of elec-tronic waste, the recovery of PCB components has become a critical research field. This paper presents a study of the reclaimation and reuse of nonmetallic materials recovered from waste PCBs. Mechanical proc-esses, such as crushing, milling, and separation, were used to process waste PCBs. Nonmetallic materials in the PCBs were separated using density-based separation with separation rates in excess of 95/. The re-covered nonmetals were used to make models, construction materials, composite boards, sewer grates, and amusement park boats. The PCB nonmetal products have better mechanical characteristics and dura-bility than traditional materials and fillers. The flexural strength of the PCB nonmetallic material composite boards is 30/ greater than that of standard products. Products derived from PCB waste processing have been brought into industrial production. The study shows that PCB nonmetals can be reused in profitable and environmentally friendly ways. Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are in all electronic equipment, so with the sharp increase of elec-tronic waste, the recovery of PCB components has become a critical research field. This paper presents a study of the reclaimation and reuse of nonmetallic materials recovered from Waste PCBs. Mechanical proc-esses, such as crushing, milling, and separation, were used to process waste PCBs. Nonmetallic materials in the PCBs were separated using density-based separation with separation rates in excess of 95 /. The re-covered nonmetals were used to make models, construction materials, composite boards, sewer grates, and amusement park boats. The PCB nonmetal products have better mechanical characteristics and dura-bility than traditional materials and fillers. The flexural strength of the PCB nonmetallic composite composite boards is 30 / greater than that of standard products. Products derived from PCB waste processing have been brought into industrial production. The study shows that PCB nonm etals can be reused in profitable and environmentally friendly ways.
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